I just have to do a little add here...I have seriously been so blessed by the song "solution" from the new Hillsong United...well there are so many good songs,,"Hosanna" is just so amazing too I just LOVE it!! but this song "solution" is one of those songs that just stirs you up and fill you with energy! The lyrics are just so powerful as well... anyways, if you haven´t heard it yet, go check it out! It gets you fired up! I have been listening to it in between my studying, and it really gets you going again when you feel drained from the studies...:-)
well listen to the songs and you know what I mean! More updates later...I have to keep on studying now...had my first exam today, tomorrow I will have a parasite test and then two more big exams, and summer here I come!!!:-)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
I am still alive!!!
Don´t worry, I am still alive, but I just haven´t had any time to update lately. Actually this is not a real update either...that will have to come later on...right now school is crazily hectic, so I have to share some more later on... So be blessed!!!:-) God is soooo good and so faithful!!! Praise God! :-D Keep smiling! The best is yet to come! :-D
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Wonderful wonderful!!!
Saturday I woke up to a beautiful day and went out for a nice jog in the morning! It was so nice and refreshing! Then I spent most of the rest of the day studying...On Saturday evening Anette came and spent the night here. We had a girls evening watching "Pride and Prejudice" and had some beauty treatment...Nice, nice...:-)
Anette and I
Tom and Julia
Nice, nice...:-)

Sunday was really amazing! In the meeting at church that morning pastor Markus was preaching. It was so good! He started his preaching with a good quote... "There are two kinds of Christians, one group is the ones who say "God, let your will be done" and to the other group God says "Ok, have your way". That was freely translated (as the preaching is in Estonian). But anyways, I thought it was really good and I pray that I´d be in the first group! That God´s will would be done in and through my life! But yes, so he was preaching about how we are the branches, Jesus the tree and God the Gardner. Our lives should bear fruit and we need to ask God, what kind of fruit am I bearing? And we need to always be open to God to do a work in our lives, to be pruned and really ask God, what is standing in the way for us to be everything He has created us to be. The Bible says that "you will know them by the fruit". Sometimes the fruit can look good on the outside, but if you taste it it can be sour and bitter! There are different seasons to bear fruit, and it is not our job to go around judging our fellow Christians.."oh, where is your fruit?" no, but it is between us and God to ask what kind of fruit we are bearing. Some people might be in a winter season, others in spring, and so on... We all go through different seasons, but we are all called to bear fruit, fruit that will last! :-) And then he was preaching about how we have been cut into God´s family, and that we are no longer a part of the old tree, the old nature. And that is also the prize we have to pay; we are dead to our old self and alive in Christ! :-) And that is also when we see who we are in Christ, the position we have in Him. But at the same time we know that we need to abide in Christ, because we are nothing without Him! We are apart of that tree and the life of Christ is flowing in and through us! :-) And then he was talking about how to cut away the things that are hindering us from bearing fruit and moving forward with God. And he was saying how fear is such a big stronghold and that we give away our ground little by little to the devil by being fearful. We need to see is there any area in my life that is in fear? We need to respond with faith and stand our ground not letting the devil steal it from us! And when we know who we are in Christ and what we have in him, we can boldly hold on to those promises and stand against the devil! It was just such a good message and he used wonderful illustrations! God spoke so much to me through that message! Powerful!
After church Anette, Helina, Ketlin and I went to eat lunch at La Dolce Vita. After that Ketlin went home, and the three of us went on to Kristiina´s place to see her new sweet puppy, Emmi! She is sooo adorable!!! (You know me and dogs!:-D) Here is also some pics!:-)
From there Anette and I went on to help out Julia to prepare her birthday party. It was a garden party, the first this year! And it was just such a beautiful weather!!! There was some food and grilling, games, worship, music, and I played football and volleyball with the kids, which was just sooo lovely!!!:-) Such a nice and relaxing time to celebrate our dear, dear wonderful woman of God, Julia!!! So Happy Birthday one more time Julia!!! :-)

Friday, May 4, 2007
Youth meeting...
Today was youth meeting...there were less people than usual, because there was also "Going Up" that Risttee church is organizing, so quite many youth were there as well... But we had a great evening with pastor Algis preaching from Nelipühi Kirik, and it was really good! He preached about relationships...He was asking what is it in our lives that makes life good and worth living...and in conclusion we could agree that relationships is very important. If our relationships are good then we are also good, but if we have bad relationships then life is not so good...and this goes for both our friendships and our relationship with God. But the preaching was good, because he drew the parallel between our relationships to others and to God. He was saying how the one thing that is the mostly important firstly as being a disciple of Jesus is to be with him, to spend time with him. Out from that everything else flows... the power, the anointing, etc... And the same way in our relationships, we need to get to spend time and get to know each other well... and then he was saying how men and women are different, that men wants to "do things together" and women wants to "spend time together". And we need to learn how to do both in a marriage for example, but also with God. We will get tired if we just do and do and do things for or with God, but we need to take that quality time as well and just spend time with him. It was just a really good and practical message, with good advice for everyday life in relating to people and with God.:-)
Nice evening...
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