Thursday, June 28, 2007

A wonderful day...

Today I had a day off work. Even though the weather has been rainy and a bit cold lately, today it was not raining at least and I went to Borgå to meet my friend Maria that came from Helsinki. I haven´t seen her for close to a year, so it was so good to catch up! We are childhood friends and it´s funny how even though we haven´t seen each other for a while, it feels as there has been only a little time inbetween... :-)

We met in Borgå and walked around in the shops and in the city, being like tourists taking pictures...(you know me!!hehe) Then we went from there a bit outside the city to this mansion Haikko. I haven´t actally been there before even though I live so close! So we went there walked around taking pictures talking and sharing at the same time...:-) It was so beautiful! :-) Then we went inside to the fancy restaurant and she was so lovely and she teated me for lunch! We had a really nice time there! Then from there she came here to Liljendal with me for a while before she headed back to Helsinki. Such a lovely time...:-)

Maria and I in Borgå.

The mansion of Haikko.
Me and Maria.

Healthy good food!:-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer in Finland...

Now I have been here in Finland for a little over a week... I have begun my summer job working with old people and helping them through homeservice and at this old people´s home/community... It has been good and a wonderful experience to "get closer" to old people and see all the beauty they have to share through just being themselves...:-) Good with new perspectives and experiences... They are sooo cute in their own kind of way!:-) Makes me think of the scripture "He has made everything beautiful in its time..."

Last weekend I had one day off and I got to spend some time over midsummer at my grandparents summer house...It was a nice and relaxing time with relatives, swimming, sun tanning, sauna,reading, a nice looong jog/walk (11km!!!) and some good food... Here are some pics from that weekend...

My cousins Eva and Catrin and my sis Hanna...:-)

My grandparents summer house...

My cousins, aunt and grandma:-)

Swans swimming by...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Facing the Giants- An AMAZING movie!!!

Hey guys, if there is anyone who hasn´t seen or even heard of this movie, then you HAVE TO SEE IT!!! "Facing the Giants" - It is totally amazing! It is such a quality movie, with a fully Christian message. It is Sharewood Baptist Church of Albany Georgia that has made it! So here is the link to the webpage. Check it out and make sure to see the movie!!! I am so buying this one!!! :-) Blessings blessings, I am heading to Finland in an hour...just thought I´d share this important message before that! Tsau!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Praise God I finally have my SUMMER HOLIDAY!!!:-) :-) :-) Today is officially the first day of it! :-) Yesterday I had my last exam for this year!I hope it went well...haven´t gotten the result yet, but the practical part of the anatomy test went well-I got 19,5 / 2o points! God is so good!All glory to Him!:-) So yeah I hope that the written part also went quite well...let´s see...It is hard to believe that I have finished my first year of medical studies!:-) Wow...

I just got back from an AMAZING day at Otepää. Anette and I drove there this morning and spent the day at the beach, walking around, taking pictures, eating out, and we even did some shopping and found so many nice things!!! It was just soooo Amazing!! (Did I mention that already;-) ) Here are some pictures from our day...

There are some other updates I have to make here as well of things that has happened in the midst of this hectic exam period... Some wonderful high-lights... Katrin and Lauri´s wedding!!! That was last Saturday, and it was really beautiful. I only participated in the first part of the wedding, at the church, so for more pictures of the continuation of the celebration, check Anette´s blog... But yeah here are some pictures from their wedding...

Then the Friday before that we had our last cell group before the summer holidays...we had a combined cell together with Getlin and Kristel´s cell group... It was nice having all the girls here. We were mostly planning the last youth outing that our cells organized for this Friday... Some pics from the cell...

This Friday evening after I had my wonderful last exam over we had the youth outing. We went out of Tartu to Michel and Triin´s country side. It was a beautiful place and a wonderful evening... We had some worship, games, barbecue, sharing, swimming, relaxing, and so on.. some of the youth had tents with them and they spent the night there as well... A really wonderful start on the summer holiday!!!

So yeah, wonderful, wonderful! God is so good and faithful and He sees us through anything!!!:-) All our sources are in Him, and I so thank Him for all the strength and grace He has given me during this whole school year, but especially during this exam period!!! All glory to Him!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Seeking God´s Face...

"I lift up my eyes to the hills -
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and eath.

He will not let your foot slip -
he who watches over you will not slumber."
Psa 121:1-3

I wanna take this moment (yes, in the midst of my studies...) and give you a few thoughts and inspirational scriptures...

A few thoughts on seeking God... It is just so stirred up in my spirit right now, of how amazing God is and how faithful He is and the importance of always taking time and seeking God, being in front of the throne in His presence... You know, we can always have excuses, not to put God first, not to take that time, but the truth is that if we don't cling on to God and remain in Him, we are up for a failure!

In my current situation - when the pressure is high of the "stress" of having to study and getting in all in my head - I am so thankful to God that in the midst of all that, I can take those moments with Him, and He gives me the strength and joy to keep on pressing on... I seriously don't know what I would do without Him!!!

It is not always about how much time you take, because sometimes we don't have the time to spend half of the day just being with God, if you know what I mean. But it is more the attitude of the heart and that you do life with God, not just take the time with Him... Yes, like in any relationship you need quality time, to sit down and talk and share, but that doesn't mean that you spend a whole day just talking... (yes occasionally) but like any other relationship, you "do life together", you eat together, you walk together, and so on...And that is the relationship God wants with us, that we don't walk around ignoring him all day, but that we continually are in fellowship with Him... How wonderful is the Holy Spirit!!!:-) And I think that it is this "every moment walk" with God that is so exciting, cause you can just talk with him while doing the dishes, cleaning, and even when you are studying and you´re frustrated!:-)

Walking with God makes you hunger more after Him... Like John Bevere says "What you feed on is what you hunger for". We need more of God everyday!!! And the good news is that there is ALWAYS more of Him!!! :-) Even all of eternity we will get to know God more and more!!! How exciting!!! :-) So yes, God is so good!!! We are nothing without Him!!! He is like the air that we breath, He is the water that satisfy our soul! How can we do anything but praise Him? (That was actually a few parts from my latest songs...:-) ) Well, anyways, I didn't mean to preach, but there you go...:-) Keep on seeking God´s face, cause when you seek Him, then all the rest will also fall into place!!! Praise God

Ps 27:8
"My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, will I seek."

Ps 14:2
"The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God."

Jer 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Luke 19:10
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that what was lost."

Ps 10:4
"In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God."

Matt 6:33
" But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Ps 42:1-2
" As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Where can I go and meet with God?"
Ps 46:10a
"Be still, and know that I am God..."

Ps 22:26
"The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise Him-may your hearts live forever!"

Ps 34:4-5
"I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

Ps 37:4
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The last three weeks...

Well, I decided to take a break in my studies and actually try to sum up these last three weeks or so in a short update. Cause there has been alot of other things happening besides school and studies, if you thought otherwise...:-) This update comes in a "picture update form"...It´s nicer anyhow to see pics and not just read one mile of text!;-)

So lets start from this last week and go back in time...

This week a team of ten people from England has been here in Estonia... They ministered to us throughout the week. God blessed me so much through them! It´s been a great week!
Here you can see seven of the ten people in the team.(plus Helina:-)
The worship at our Friday youth service at Elu Sõna...

Here the team did the youth evening at a Baptist Church...

Two weeks ago my dear sister and cousin, Hanna and Catrin, came to visit me! We had a great time although I had to take some time to study in between our program...:-) We walked alot around the city, went shopping, went to my church to the youth evening, went out to eat, etc. It was such a blessing having them here! So come back now, you hear!:-)

Hanna, me and Catrin

Hanna and I

Catrin and Hanna in front of the main University building...

Then three weeks ago was a little bitter sweet, as we had Sigurd´s going away party. He has been here in Estonia for the past two years working as a missionary, and now he went back to Norway. That Sunday my apartment was filled with people as we "celebrated" Sigurd. Here you can see some pics from that evening...
Tom and Julia gave Sigurd an Estonian "passport".

It was a multicultural party as there were people from Estonia, Norway, Finland, Spain, Mexico and Tajikistan...:-)

The guy´s corner...:-)
That same weekend we had a combined cell group with Andrus´ and Sigurd´s cell and Julia´s and my cell group...We had a blessed time together!
Some of the guys...

Andrus and the girls...

Then that same weekend we had the honour of celebrating Kristiina´s birthday as she got a year older (don't we all!!) :-)
Some of the guests at Kristiina´s place...

And here we have the birthday kid!!! Happy birthday once more!:-)