I am now back in Tartu for our SUMMER CONFERENCE! It is soo amazing to be back, even though I have only been away for about 2weeks..hehe.. Yesterday I arrived in the afternoon and got ready for the evening meeting. It was a great start at the conference with Pastor Eino preaching about running our race well. Today I was helping in the cafeteria and I have enjoyed it so much.:-) I "missed" the day meetings in that sense, but instead I think I received a double portion this evening when Stefan Salmonsson was preaching. It was sooo good and so funny! Life changing preaching spiced with humor! I like that! I laughed so much I think my stomach muscles got some serious good training!;-) He was preaching about the difference with living a life searching for happiness and a life in God´s blessing. Seriously great preaching! And especially for me who can (sometimes) get caught up too much in my feelings!:-) I received so much this evening, it was great!:-) And tonight I was also part of the choir, which was sooo great! I felt something getting stirred up in my spirit and Hillsong memories from the choir came rushing back...I felt so at home there:-) So yes, it has been amazing so far and the best is yet to come!!! Still 3more days of the conference!:-) AMAZING!!!:-)

A glimpse from the children's meeting.

Enthusiastic pastors... Stefan Salmonsson preaching and Eino interpreting ...

Kai and I at the Conference cafeteria...
We also got some wonderful time together with Anette yesterday both before the meeting and after. Then we went to the city for dinner. It was so great to sit outside the restaurant a warm summer evening...felt like we were more further south than Estonia for sure!:-) I just LOVE this city! Then Anette came to my place and spent the night here, which was nice as usual!:-) So really lovely days, in other words! God is good!!! Hallelujah!:-)

Anette digging in for dinner...:-)