Hey dear friends! Long time no see!!! :-) I have to update ALOT from the summer, but at the moment I want to share some GOOD, AMAZING with you... There is an amazing documentary "Finger of God" that you need to see if you haven´t yet... Be inspired by what God is doing around the earth! I dont know about you, but I want to live my life for Jesus in all that that includes! Life with Jesus is exciting, and I am so hungry for more of HIM and I want to see more of him in and through my life! Praise God! ENJOY! It comes in two parts:
"Finger of God part 1":
"Finger of God part 2":
Blessings, blessings! :-D Jen
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Some glimps back in time- Part 4 - Cell group
Now, cell group has been one of the things that I have really cherished this last year! It is such a privilige to be a leader to these girls, together with Vivia! :-) It has been a really good year. It has been a year of growth, I feel, and I am really looking forward to the next season too!!! Because the best is yet to come!!! :-D
Vivia, Liina, Karolina, Merle, Albina, Vivika and Mona-Anari
Mona, Pirje, Vivia, Albina, Maarja, Helina, me and Kirsika
Kirsika, Karolina, Mona, Pirje and Vivia

I really love you girls and I wish you nothing but the best in life, as you walk together with Jesus! My prayer is that you guys, and that we all, grow closer and closer to God and that we will be changed from glory to glory! Life with Jesus is exciting and I pray that you will never settle for anything but the very best God has for you! Each of you are wonderfully and fearfully made and you all have a calling upon your life from God! I pray that you will see more and more of the dreams in your life fulfilled! Delight yourselves in God and He will give you the desires of your heart! :-) Can´t wait to see you guys when I come back!!! :-D
Some glimps back in time...Part 3 - YOUTH
Here are a few glimps from some youth meetings... This year has been a good year, but as always we are reaching forward to take a hold of that which Jesus has taken a hold of us for! The best is yet to come, and we focus our eyes on what´s ahead, but it is so good to look back and see the faithfulness of God! Even when it seams that not much is happening in the natural, God is working behind the scenes and preparing for what is to come! :-D It is so exciting to serve God! And let me here say that I am soooo thankful to God for all the youth and the youth leaders! It is a privilege to do life with you guys! No one is strong alone, but there is no limit to what a group of people, who are committed to God and passionate for Jesus, can do! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! In our own strength we are nothing... But thank God for the New life through Christ!!! :-) So here are a few glimps from youth...
Worship...Julia and Vivia
Youth meeting...our new lights!!!YEY!!! :-D
Some devotional time...

Some competitions outside church...

Concert with Benjamin´s band
Girls, girls...Julia, me and Vivia
Some crazily amazing worship time in the end of a youth meeting
Meeting in the Sanctuary
Come on! Preach it Tom!
Crazy boy´s games...

Some glimps back in time...Part 2 - Piibli Päevad
As I went back to Estonia after the visit to Finland, I went straight to Piibli päevad = Bible Days. It was held in Viimsi close to Tallinn... It was a beautiful place by the coast line... Our worship team from Elu Sõna mostly, had some of the worship there, so I was also there singing... It was good times, even though I actually missed much of the weekend as I came later in the end... But still, good!

Kirsika and I... :-D
Some glimps back in time... Part1
Both my sister and my dad had a birthday back in April and I went to Finland to celebrate them...:-) My sister had a b-day party in Helsinki on her b-day and there I met many people I had not seen in a loong time... So it was really nice...
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Anette had to work on Monday and Tuesday, so I was at the house during that time watching God Tv all morning, going for walk/jog, studying and just enjoying the time off...:-) On Monday evening we enjoyed as a movie night...:-)
Morning view from the house...

Tuesday I got to meet up with Lise, which was amazing! I got to see where she lives and we walked around in Fredrikstad and visited the shoeshop where Anette works. There I also got to see Tabita, which I havent seen in a looong time! So that was soo cool to see her again! Then Lise took me out for lunch before she drove me to the trainstation. I then had some time in Oslo, where I met up with Sigurd, who just had come back from a weekend in Estonia.:-) It was so good to see him again as well, as it has been almost a year since last time! After a few hours in Oslo I jumped on the train again to the airport and headed back to Estonia...:-) What a nice vacation!!!:-) Now I have energy again to continue studying on and finishing this second year well...:-)

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