Here are a few glimps from some youth meetings... This year has been a good year, but as always we are reaching forward to take a hold of that which Jesus has taken a hold of us for! The best is yet to come, and we focus our eyes on what´s ahead, but it is so good to look back and see the faithfulness of God! Even when it seams that not much is happening in the natural, God is working behind the scenes and preparing for what is to come! :-D It is so exciting to serve God! And let me here say that I am soooo thankful to God for all the youth and the youth leaders! It is a privilege to do life with you guys! No one is strong alone, but there is no limit to what a group of people, who are committed to God and passionate for Jesus, can do! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! In our own strength we are nothing... But thank God for the New life through Christ!!! :-) So here are a few glimps from youth...

Worship...Julia and Vivia

Youth meeting...our new lights!!!YEY!!! :-D

Some devotional time...

Some competitions outside church...

Concert with Benjamin´s band


Girls, girls...Julia, me and Vivia

Some crazily amazing worship time in the end of a youth meeting


Meeting in the Sanctuary

Come on! Preach it Tom!



Crazy boy´s games...

Worship...Vivia, Andrus and Meelike...


And our amazing youth leaders Tom and Julia!!!Thank you guys for everything you have done and for the amazing work you have done!!! You have sown so many good seeds and you will see a harvest!!! :-) May you be richly blessed at Bible school!!! :-)

These cool shirts were a gift to them at the last youth meeting before the the front Tom&Julia and in the back the names of the youth...:-D
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