After the seminar there was a musical in our church- "The miracle in Vostok". There were many children from the Christian school that were apart of it, and even though I didn´t get to see all of it, what I saw was sooo good!!! :-) I really would love to see the whole musical one of these days!... Anyways, the reason I didn´t see all of it was that we split up in two teams, one team went to Põlva and the other went to Viljandi for youth meetings. I got the privilege to be the driver for the Viljandi team. Andrus, Ruben, Benjamin and I went to Viljandi and had a great evening there! Ruben was preaching and it was such an amazing worship and again the Holy Spirit moved wonderfully in the meeting... The other team in Põlva (Calle, Fredrik and Dima) also had a great time (so I heard) and they got to play basketball after the meeting with the youth...:-)

Sunday Tom was preaching and we had another wonderful meeting... Again he used illustrations, as you can see on the pic...:-) Lots could be said, but just shortly-it was good and powerful:-)
Sunday afternoon/evening I also went to Põlva were Tom and the team had another meeting... I have never ever seen Tom being soooo on fire, or preaching with more energy than then!!! Talk about some serious duracell!!! :-) It was an amazing meeting... :-) It was so great being in Põlva again... such a wonderful passionate church! It is always so encouraging to see the changes and growth... :-) God is good! :-) After coming back from Põlva we had a movienight with some youth and the norwegians at my place... It´s always so great having people over! It is such a blessing with friends- sisters and brothers in Christ! Talk about blessing! :-)

Monday I still got some time with Tom and the guys with shopping and lunch, before they headed off to the airport... Then in the evening we had youthleaders meeting... It was powerful with some serious prayer!!! It is so great to serve God side by side with all the wonderful youthleaders! I am excited for what God wants to do this year in the youthwork! It all starts when God gets to do His work in us and change us!!! :-) God is sooo good!!! :-)
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