Praise God! This weekend has been just amazing and wonderful!! I feel soooo blessed!!! It is wonderful being back here in Tartu! The vacation was great, but it is sooo good to get started with the spring term with everything that holds! I am just soooo in love with Jesus and I am just soooo thankful for all the amazing things that He has done and is doing and all that He will do in my life!!! I really encourage you, that if you feel down or just not full of thankfulness to God, to start praising Him!!! Start worshipping God in the midst of the storm...Start thanking God for all the good things in your life! You will be amazed at how long the list gets!!! He is just soooo good!!! And our Heavenly Father only has good things in store for us!!! Praise God!!! :-)
I am thankful that I can be a child of God, that Jesus has paid the price for me, that I can know Him, that He is everything I need, that all my sources are in Him!!! I am thankful for my family, for my wonderful friends, for my relatives, for my amazing church and leaders and sisters and brothers in Christ! I am thankful that I have been able to live abroad in the countries I´ve lived, I am thankful that I was able to go to Hillsong College. I am thankful that I can study medicine, that I have a beautiful appartment, that I have food on the table, that I have a bed to sleep in, that I am able to pay my bills, that I am healthy, that I have a hope and a brigth future, that the best is yet to come, that I can serve my wonderful Lord and Saviour, that I can have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, that I can worship God, that I can pray, that I can have peace in the midst of the storm, that His grace is sufficient for me and that His strength is made perfect in my weekness, that I can sing and play and laugh, talk, run, dance, jump, feel emotions, breath, live... I am thankful that I can rejoyce and fix my eyes on Jesus, I am thankful that I am never alone, cause he has promised to never leave me nor forsake me, I am thankful that I am the princess of the most high King, that I am the apple of His eye, that I can be free to love, free to dance, free to sing... I am thankful that He has changed my life and continues to change me from glory to glory, I am thankful that God wants to use little me, I am thankful that I have a calling upon my life, I am thankful to be blessed to be a blessing, I am thankful to live in a free country where there is peace and the freedom of speach, I am thankful that I dont have to fear for my life or fear for the lives of the ones I love, I am thankful that there is a greater purpose to life that just to excist and then die, I am thankful for the Word of God, I am thankful for all the people that have spoken into my life and encouraged me along the way, I am thankful for all the wonderful teaching I have received, I am thankful that God has and keeps on protecting me, I am thankful that I can be me, and that God loves me and accepts me for who I am, I am thankful for all my friends that love me, I am thankful for all the people I get to bless, I am thankful that I have a reason for living, I am thankful that God has so many wonderful promises and exciting things in store for me, I am thankful that I have an amazing Father in Heaven that will supply all my needs and who loves me and who gives me so many things to be thankful for that I cannot even name them all... PRAISE GOD!!! :-D
p.s. If you are not smiling by this time you should go and have your smile muscles checked.If you dont feel overwhelmingly happy and thankful by this time, you should go and have your pulse checked out and see if there is anything at all running through your veins...;-)God is sooooo good!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-D:-D :-D :-D
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