Wow, it´s been a while again...:-) So much has happened since last time... So I have to update more about that later on...But I want to share some thoughts that has been in my heart and mind... My precious aunt passed away a week ago...I was in shock when I heard, although it wasn´t unexpected...she was very ill with cancer... And I don't understand yet that she is gone, but I guess little by little the realization comes, especially when I go back to Finland for the funeral...Life is precious, and too many times we take it for granted...but the verse that has been stuck with me lately is Rom 14:8 "If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." and also from Phil 1:21 "For me to live is Christ..." The hope that we have in Jesus does not let us down or disappoint us (Rom5:5). So my prayer is that we cherish the gift of life that we have been given and use it well for the Glory of God!!! And that we don't just take for granted the time we have with our family and friends here on earth, but that we always live well and love well... Just a few thoughts... Also Ecclesiastes chapter 3 has been going through my mind..." There is a time to live and a time to die...a time to laugh and a time to cry...but God has made all things beautiful in its time and He has set eternity in our hearts...." (own shortened version...) and yet man can not fathom what God does from the beginning to the end...We serve an AWESOME GOD!!! His ways are a bit higher than our ways and his thoughts a bit higher than our thoughts... His goodness and love-the very nature of God, cannot be simply described in words...that´s when we STAND IN AWE of HIM!!! How amazing that He so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life!!! HIS LOVE that rescued us and brought us out from the darkness into the Kingdom of his beloved Son... That love is a bit bigger than we can ever grasp... it reached all the way to eternity and beyond...
1 comment:
Preach it sister!
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