Last weekend I spent at the Elu Sõna Youth Winter camp 2007! We were staying at this beautiful place in Koke, Võrumaa in Southern Estonia. You can see a picture of the main building here... It was a great weekend with lots of fun and activities, but most of all a time to draw closer to God. There was over 60 young people there from different places in Estonia. We had wonderful weather, with -10degrees and sun all weekend. We were grilling and had sauna Friday evening after the meeting. Saturday we had the opportunity to go skiing, sledging or ice-skating. I went skiing and it was really nice! In the evenings we had meetings with worship and preaching and sharing. The theme for the camp was spiritual warfare-being a solider for God. So on Saturday morning we got to taste a bit of being in the army, and we were woken up by the fire alarm, and everyone had to get dressed and go outside, where there was "an army call". Talking about waking up alright!:-) During the camp we were also divided into eight groups, and we gathered with our groups in the morning to share the Word and stuff. I had the privilege to lead one of the groups together with Karolina. It was a blessing.:-) It was just simply a blessed camp and God worked in people´s life, as the Sunday meeting could testify when alot of people gave testimonies... It´s so amazing to see what God does in people´s lives! We serve an awesome God!!!
1 comment:
Amen!!!!Yes it was really life-changeing camp!!!Very wonderful. I got so much from this camp....
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