Wow, time flies! What do you know, now it´s Monday again and a new week has just begun...
So some updates... On Valentine´s day in the evening I went to Vanemuise Concert Hall to see Vivia play in a "Loved Classics" Concert. It was the final concert of the "French music week" that they had here in Tartu. It was a concert represented by students from four different countries and music schools. It was really interesting and lovely to be there and to watch and hear Vivia play...:-)
Thursday I had Anette over for dinner and we had a great tie as usual! We talked and talked and talked and what do you know...time just flew by once again,as it does when you´re having a good time...:-)
Then on Friday, Anette and I decided to go to Aura Keskus, which is a swimming center. We took this "health card" which allows you to go to the swimming pool, the water park, the bubble baths, the aroma sauna, the steam sauna and the regular sauna...We spent 4 hours in there, swimming, relaxing, and having fun! It was so great! :-) Then in the evening there was youth meeting and Urban Vikström from Sweden was preaching. He was preaching about unity and how we need to love and accept each other across the denominational lines. The Church has been "separated" for too long! We need to focus on what we have in common and not on the differences. We have so much more in common than we have differences! There are different ways to serve and worship God, but we all serve the same God and Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit can move in different ways! He talked about how we need to live in love and not judge people, but to love them and show mercy! It was such a great message!
At the moment I have my parents visiting. They arrived last Saturday and are staying until Friday. They have their winter holiday now, so it´s cool that they came to see me. And also they get to know this place better! :-) On Saturday we had dinner when they arrived and then in the evening we went to this "going up" event...
Sunday at church, Urban was preaching another amazing message about "seeing" as Jesus saw...We need to see things not merely with our natural eyes, but with our spiritual eyes. When Jesus saw the people he was moved with compassion. Compassion MOVES you, it´s not just seeing, but you act upon it.. Jesus had compassion, he healed the sick and wounded.. There are so many places in the Bible where it talks about "seeing"... We need to reach out to the people, to see their needs, to look deeper than the surface... This message really stirred up something fresh once again... But the challenge is not merely to be a hearer of the word, but a doer!
After church we went to our "Sunday lunch place" La Dolce Vita with my parents and Anette. You can see some pictures from there here as well... :-) We had a little Swedish-Norwegian time in an italic environment...:-) Good times:-)
Today I was back at school, diving into biochemistry, basic nursing and anatomy...I had a nice long break in the middle of the day though, when I went out for lunch with my parents...cool with a little different break...and then I went back and literally was "picking the brain", as I was trying to remove the blood vessels and pia mater from the cortex...very interesting...but oh, so complicated and detailed!!! ...and once again I am amazed at how wonderfully and fearfully made we are! Wow! What a Creator!!! :-)
Nice pics and a looooong post u made there!!!!! I copied the pictire :)
Hey siz! :) Guess what, I´ve just created my own little blog... :) Thanx for the advise! Hugs! <3 Hälsa mamma o pappa!
cool! Yes, go ahead and copy the ones you want, Annie!:-)
And Hanna-sis, welcome to our world!:-) Love you both!!!:-)Hugs!!!
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