This morning I watched and listened to some teaching of Bayless Conley about the gifts of the Spirit.It was really good and now I am passing on this tips, that I got from Anette, to watch it. You see the link here to his webpage...:-) We need to really desire the gifts of the Spirit to work through us more! I pray that we will be able to live a natural supernatural life where God can touch people and meet their needs through us!
Later in the afternoon I met up with Kristiina and Anette in the city and we had coffee and talked...Girls, you know...:-) Then after that Anette and I did a bit of shopping, which is always nice:-) And then we went and rented two chick-flick movies and went to watch them at my place...So it was a really nice relaxing day:-)Above you see some pictures from today, at the café and then from my appartment:-)
That was the happenings from today in a nutshell, but now I want to share some deeper thoughts... God has really brought up some things on total dependence in Him lately. You know I really got a deeper revelation on the verse "Blessed are the poor in spirit, cause theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven", when I listened to some teaching by Ulf Ekman. He was talking about your walk with the Holy Spirit. And there he was preaching about how we cannot do what WE want and walk in the Spirit at the same time, but how we constantly need to yield to the Spirit and die to ourselves... And he was saying that we Christians sometimes act like young kids who say " I can do it myself" even though we absolutely cant do it! And then there is this place in Christian maturity that you come to, where you realize that you can do NOTHING without God! And since the Holy Spirit is the helper, it indicates that we need help!:-) When he talked about this verse, Matt 5:3, he said that if you are poor, you have to go and ask someone for help and for things you need. And that is what that scripture shows, that we are in a place where we are poor in spirit, where we KNOW that we have NOTHING IN OURSELVES but everything we need COMES FROM GOD! And what I think is the amazing thing is that the Bible says that those who come to that place, who are poor in Spirit, THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!!! In other words, when we are in that truly humble place all of Heaven is available for us, and then God can TRULY USE US!
At the same time this has to go hand in hand with true confidence, not that we have confidence in ourselves, but OUR CONFIDENCE IS IN CHRIST! And I think that when you combine these two things, true humility and confidence in Christ, then I think you will be a real danger to the devil!Hallelujah! You know that you are nothing in yourself, yet you know that you can do all things through Christ!
Another example that I think is a really good illustration is one that Joyce Meyer used...She said that we are like a little child in its fathers arms in a big swimmingpool. You can see the look in the childs eyes when the father is taking the child into deeper water, how the child clings more to the father.The child cant reach the bottom, but the father is in total control. And we are like that child, but we need to realize that in any case we are in head over water, nomatter were we are in the pool, and we are totally dependent on God in everything!
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