Wow, I have to keep up with the updating!!! Everything happens sooo fast, well or time just really flies, so I have a hard time keeping up with everything!:-)But here comes some pics of main events from last week... It includes wonderful time with Vivo (Vivia) last Thrusday, with amazing fun and creative times mostly by the piano and kitchen table...:-) You are amazing and thank you for spicing up my songs!!!;-) Love you girl!!! uups, vabandan, kas ma peaksin rääkima eesti keeles...?Eller kankse på svenska?! hehe
Always full of life and joy!!! VIVO!!!
Songs songs, more songs...:-)
Then Friday was great starting with tennis in the morning. It was my first real time of playing tennis, and it was so much fun! It was an amazing cool and charming autum day and it was so cool to gather with my classmates doing sports together, not only studies..hehe Lotta from my class she is like professional and she wanted to coach us. It was so good!:-) Also it was such a lovely place, playing at Toome Hill, in that beautiful environment!:-) Such a great start of the day... 2 hour tennis, plus biking, and I could feel the effects!;-)
Tennis with my classmates:-)
Sonja, me and little Robert and Andreas
Friday evening we had youth meeting. Helari was our guest speaker. He had a good preaching about staying right before God and not getting entangeled by sin. It was such a wonderful meeting, with worship from Heaven! God´s presence was so strong and it was just amazing! I also had the honour of taking up the offering. After the meeting we had fellowship and snacks.
Helari preaching and demonstrating the sin that so easily entangles...:-)

Saturday was my study day(which day isn´t, hehe), but I also went to Põlva with Anette in the evening for the youth meeting. It was so lovely to be back there! It was first time I was back there after summer. It was so great to see everybody there! The Church is constantly changing, with both the building projects and the youth rising up more and more to be involved in everything! :-) Wonderful!!! Again I had the honour of taking up the offering and Anette was preaching. It was her last time in Põlva before she leaves to go back to Norway, so she shared from her heart, really encouraging and challenging the youth to fully pursue God and everything He has for them. It was soooo good! It was really a word in due season, and I believe the youth really took a hold of it! We all need to keep the hunger alive and pursue God more and more! I dont know about you but I am so hungry for more of Him!!! More of his preasence, more of his word, more time with him, to get to know him more and more and more!!! :-) I pray that is the cry of your heart as well! Can you imagine what happens when his children all over the earth really begins to cry out for him, to really pursue Him and when we fully dedicate ourselves to Him!!! Ah, I am sooo longing to see God move in the earth like never before! I so want to see people coming to Christ, people´s lives being changed, people being healed, restored, delivered!!! Also from this cry and desire I think my song "Fill me with your compassion" arose... But I really feel like challenging and encouraging all of us to rise up higher! God has soooo much in store for us! Let us not settle for living everyday life in the ordinary way. Let´s lift our eyes and heart to God and let Him fill us till it overflows, so that we can always walk through life looking at things from God´s perspective! It is a little bit bigger than ours!!! WOW, well, I wasnt planning to preach, but I just want to share something from my heart to yours! May God seriously bless you and draw you closer to Him, this fall. He wants to pour something new and fresh into your life! Everyday is a new and exciting day in our walk with God! Let us stay fresh and close to the Father´s heart...:-)
Annie preaching and Ennar interpreting
Youth meeting in Põlva
So yeah, continuation...hehe...Anette then came to my place overnight from Sat to Sunday. Sunday meeting was also sooo amazing! Ludmila was preaching about prayer and we prayed so much that whole meeting! It was seriously a touch from Heaven in that meeting! It´s great to see how God is moving in people´s hearts! The worship was also so good and it was so great to see Lilian back in worship again! (Well, for me that is first time, since I have not been here THAT long..hehe) It was amazing! In the evening after some hours of studying, I met up with Vivia and Liina and we went for a nice looong walk that ended up at my place for evening tea.:-) We had such a blessed time, and I am so blessed to have friends like them! You guys are amazing! I am soooo thankful for you!!! :-) I feel so blessed!!!

Then Friday was great starting with tennis in the morning. It was my first real time of playing tennis, and it was so much fun! It was an amazing cool and charming autum day and it was so cool to gather with my classmates doing sports together, not only studies..hehe Lotta from my class she is like professional and she wanted to coach us. It was so good!:-) Also it was such a lovely place, playing at Toome Hill, in that beautiful environment!:-) Such a great start of the day... 2 hour tennis, plus biking, and I could feel the effects!;-)

Friday evening we had youth meeting. Helari was our guest speaker. He had a good preaching about staying right before God and not getting entangeled by sin. It was such a wonderful meeting, with worship from Heaven! God´s presence was so strong and it was just amazing! I also had the honour of taking up the offering. After the meeting we had fellowship and snacks.

Saturday was my study day(which day isn´t, hehe), but I also went to Põlva with Anette in the evening for the youth meeting. It was so lovely to be back there! It was first time I was back there after summer. It was so great to see everybody there! The Church is constantly changing, with both the building projects and the youth rising up more and more to be involved in everything! :-) Wonderful!!! Again I had the honour of taking up the offering and Anette was preaching. It was her last time in Põlva before she leaves to go back to Norway, so she shared from her heart, really encouraging and challenging the youth to fully pursue God and everything He has for them. It was soooo good! It was really a word in due season, and I believe the youth really took a hold of it! We all need to keep the hunger alive and pursue God more and more! I dont know about you but I am so hungry for more of Him!!! More of his preasence, more of his word, more time with him, to get to know him more and more and more!!! :-) I pray that is the cry of your heart as well! Can you imagine what happens when his children all over the earth really begins to cry out for him, to really pursue Him and when we fully dedicate ourselves to Him!!! Ah, I am sooo longing to see God move in the earth like never before! I so want to see people coming to Christ, people´s lives being changed, people being healed, restored, delivered!!! Also from this cry and desire I think my song "Fill me with your compassion" arose... But I really feel like challenging and encouraging all of us to rise up higher! God has soooo much in store for us! Let us not settle for living everyday life in the ordinary way. Let´s lift our eyes and heart to God and let Him fill us till it overflows, so that we can always walk through life looking at things from God´s perspective! It is a little bit bigger than ours!!! WOW, well, I wasnt planning to preach, but I just want to share something from my heart to yours! May God seriously bless you and draw you closer to Him, this fall. He wants to pour something new and fresh into your life! Everyday is a new and exciting day in our walk with God! Let us stay fresh and close to the Father´s heart...:-)

So yeah, continuation...hehe...Anette then came to my place overnight from Sat to Sunday. Sunday meeting was also sooo amazing! Ludmila was preaching about prayer and we prayed so much that whole meeting! It was seriously a touch from Heaven in that meeting! It´s great to see how God is moving in people´s hearts! The worship was also so good and it was so great to see Lilian back in worship again! (Well, for me that is first time, since I have not been here THAT long..hehe) It was amazing! In the evening after some hours of studying, I met up with Vivia and Liina and we went for a nice looong walk that ended up at my place for evening tea.:-) We had such a blessed time, and I am so blessed to have friends like them! You guys are amazing! I am soooo thankful for you!!! :-) I feel so blessed!!!
Hey! :) Nice update! It´s always so good to get to read and look at new pics on your blog :) Good preaching! I got the song "Everyday is a new day, every morning He´s by my side, every beauty He placed here for me..." :) I shold get that song... well anyways, trying to keep up my english here as well as you may have noticed.. :P Come online soon siz so we can talk! Miss you! <3 Hugs!
Love You Sooo much!!! You are special one!!! :)
"sill tha question does remain what makes it all delay" :D
You are sooooooooooooooooooooooo brilliant
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