Maria fixing lunch...:-)
Then from there I had to go to my next "catching up meeting". Viktoria, one of the precious girls, came over to my place for dinner and a movie night. I had not seen her either after summer, so it was so great to see her and spend quality time with her!

Viktoria and I...(he he we didnt plan the dressing before)

Then on Sunday was really special cause ANETTE was preaching!!! It was sooo good!!! She is a great preacher and I believe God has so much in store for her! He will greatly use you girl in so many ways!!! The preaching was about different seasons in our lives. So many good points and you could feel the anointing.:-) Also we prayed for Tom, Julia, Andrus and Helen as they are moving into new leadership positions in church. Julia is giving over the main youth leader position to Tom, as she now is full-time teacher in the Christian school. So now Tom is our youth leader. :-) Andrus is now in charge of worship. It is so great to see these wonderful servants moving into the things God has for them even more! You guys are so amazing!!! :-)

Helen, Andrus, Tom, Julia and Eino.
After church we went out to eat lunch at Taverna. It was so funny, cause Helina, Vivia, Anette an dI went there and as we came there Liina and her family was there. And then after a while Eino, Lilian and the boys came as well! So we were almost just church people in the whole restaurant! :-) Cool!! Here you can see some pics from that!

Helina and I

The Boys, Sam, Joel, Mattias..(the girls stayed at home) :-)
Estonia, Estonia, I miss you!! Great to read, keep me updated;) Bless you Jenny;)
or God bless you. You are so blessed so you can bless yourself also hehe...
Hey man! Good to hear from you! :-) Thanks for all the blessings!he he, all good gifts comes from our Father above!:-) I will try my best to keep updating..:-) Hope you´ll do the same ;-) God bless you richly bro, and good luck with arabic studies and stuff!!:-)
yeah both of u guys are blessed!!!
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