Here comes a few more pictures from the summer :-) I had the priviledge of having my dear friend Liina for a visit in Finland for one week. It was such a great time! :-) Also I had some great time meeting and catching up with my dear bibleschool friend and dear sister Debbie-Ann Bax, who was visiting Finland with her husband for a month. They did a tour and ministring here around in Finland. So that was so amazing and great to catch up with them! :-) I also got to hear Reinhard Bonnke preaching in Seinäjoki, which was really cool :-) And also had an amazing time at the Teittinen´s family in Vasa, and with my friends and housemates. :-) Also some time with family and a class- reunion. And all of this was in the timespan of the last 4 weeks of my summer break! Not to mention that I worked 5 times a week as well, which wasn´t that bad either! :-D

On the boat on the way to Finland! :-D

Trying to stay awake!!! :-D

Time for pizza on the balcony! :-)

My dear sister Hanna!! :-)

View from my sister´s old apartment in Helsinki :-)

Charlie´s Angels... one angel missing... :-/

A nice walk in beautiful Vasa!

Kris and Liina going wild! :-D

Liina and I :-)

Liina, me and Kris

Me, Susanna and Kris

Kris, Liina and Susanna

Junior high class reunion (only part of the class showed up)

Mom and dad :-)

Liina and I :-)

Me and my dog :-)

Liina in a park in Borgå

Sunny breakfast

Dad taking Liina for an mc-ride!!! :-)

Me, mom and Liina :-)

Gran´ma´s b-day! :-)

Liina and I

Liina :-)

Me in Helsinki


My precious house mate (for 2 weeks) Pernilla :-)

Debbie-Ann having worship seminar... REALLY GOOD STUFF!!! :-D

Debbie-Ann preaching at Sion in Vasa :-)

Debbie-Ann and Sloan Bax!!! Wonderful couple! :-D

Supper with the girls: Pernilla, Malin and Anna :-)

Autumn on the way...

Sabbath dinner at Teittinen´s in Vasa!

Sunset in Vasa!!! :-D

Reinhard Bonnke preaching

Reinhard Bonnke meeting in Seinäjoki

Pancake party with the girls!!!

Carolina and Pernilla!!! :-D

Back at my parent´s place after the summer in Vasa... I had a little bit of stuff...