This Easter I spent here in Estonia. It has been an amazing weekend! Friday we had Youth meeting and it was so powerful! The presence of God was just so strong! Lise, Sigurd´s sister is here visiting, and she shared some things from her missions trip to India. Very inspiring! Sigurd was preaching about what Jesus did on the cross-and it was really powerful. The Worship was amazing and in the end we had communion together. An amazing way to spend Good Friday! Then after the youth meeting Lise and Sigurd came over to my place for pancakes, in the middle of the night, and we had a blessed time together! Talking about being healthy...:-)

Saturday evening 12 people gathered here at my place for prayer and then we went out in the streets sharing the gospel with people, talking to them. We were also handing out invitations for the next youth meeting and the drama that is coming up in a few weeks- "Heavens gates and hells flames". It was just sooo good to be out there talking to people! We had some really good conversations! People are hungry, but how can they know what they are hungry for if nobody tells them the good news? And how can they believe unless they hear the Word? I hope and believe that this is only the beginning and that we could make it a habit, being out there where the people are and getting used by God!!! He needs more workers, cause the harvest is big, but the workers few! After we had been out there talking to people we gathered at a cafe and got something warm to drink, since we were all freezing by that time! We had a great time there as well! Blessed with wonderful sisters and brothers! :-) After that Helina came to my place and spent the night here. It was so good having her over!:-)

Sunday, another wonderful meeting at church was awaiting us! Albert, who has been a pastor here, but now lives in Israel, was here preaching. It was a really good message where he talked about Jesus life and death and resurrection. And once again the worship was powerful and amazing! After the meeting the Christian school had a concert. It was really cute to see and hear the kids sing from their hearts!
In the evening, Helina, Lise, Sigurd and I went over to Joona´s place, where he had prepared an amazing Easter dinner, with dessert and everything. Kaia, a friend of Joona, was also there. We had a good time together with deep conversations. I guess we walked all through the Bible or something:-) Then before we were about to go, Joona just said that lets just pray together first. And we prayed and then we started praying for each other and we ended up having a full on prayer meeting in several hours! The Holy Spirit was touching people and we saw deliverance, Holy Spirit baptism and I was laughing for quite a was just amazing!!! God is sooo good! I couldn´t have pictured a more blessed Easter dinner celebration! God is longing for us to draw closer and drink deep from the fountain! What a mighty God we serve!!! Hallelujah!

Sunday, another wonderful meeting at church was awaiting us! Albert, who has been a pastor here, but now lives in Israel, was here preaching. It was a really good message where he talked about Jesus life and death and resurrection. And once again the worship was powerful and amazing! After the meeting the Christian school had a concert. It was really cute to see and hear the kids sing from their hearts!
In the evening, Helina, Lise, Sigurd and I went over to Joona´s place, where he had prepared an amazing Easter dinner, with dessert and everything. Kaia, a friend of Joona, was also there. We had a good time together with deep conversations. I guess we walked all through the Bible or something:-) Then before we were about to go, Joona just said that lets just pray together first. And we prayed and then we started praying for each other and we ended up having a full on prayer meeting in several hours! The Holy Spirit was touching people and we saw deliverance, Holy Spirit baptism and I was laughing for quite a was just amazing!!! God is sooo good! I couldn´t have pictured a more blessed Easter dinner celebration! God is longing for us to draw closer and drink deep from the fountain! What a mighty God we serve!!! Hallelujah!

Yesterday,(Tuesday) I went over to Anette´s place. Lise, Anette and I spent some good time together and again we could just take some time and pray for each other. It is such a blessing with wonderful sisters! Lise then came over to my place and spent the night here. We had such a good time together! I was so blessed to have her stay over! And this morning we enjoyed a nice breakfast together, before she headed home to Norway.
So in other words an amazing Easter!!! :-) God is alive and doing great things all over the world! And how amazing that we can be apart of it!!! Be blessed!!!
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! "
Isa 52:7 (NLT)
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