Last weekend was amazing when Tom Jensen was here from Norway. He had Ruben and Calle with him, and they preached and shared some at the youth meeting last Friday. It was a meeting where the Holy Spirit moved and people got prayed for.
That Saturday was the seminar with Tom, and it was amazing as usual! So good, inspiring and challenging teaching. He was preaching about having a strong vision, about choosing God´s best and not just the good. About who we let us get influences by -"the law of attachment". Of not trying to imitate people, but becoming everything God has created us for! That and many other good things! So yes-it was a blessing!
Sunday meeting was like a fire bomb!!! :-) It was seriously revival in the house!Tom was preaching about reaping and sowing. We are a product of the decisions/choices we make. It was a really good message, and the worship was so strong and the Holy Spirit was doing great things!How amazing is our God!!!:-) You can really sense that there will be a great harvest of souls coming in soon!! There is a fresh hunger for God and to pray and seek God for the city and nation! I am sooo excited! Praise God!!!
Anette came to my place last Thursday after her Estonian lesson. Here is a pic from that time:-)
Wednesday evening I was invited to my old cell group, at Anette´s place and we had a blessed time together with fellowship, prayer and worship! Amazing to do life with wonderful sisters!:-)
Thank u sooooo much for updates - finally!!!!! ha ha ha! But girl, I understand, time flies... Nice pic...haha...a girl who knows how to eat! ;)
Hejsan! :) Du har inte varit på en tid på msn... tänkte bara fråga dig att är du påväg till Finland till vappen?? Saknar dig!! <3 Kramiz!!
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