Oh, wow, what can I say, other than that God is so good and faithful! :-) This last week was massive! It was so good, but so packed as well! We had the drama "Heaven´s gates and hell´s flames" at church for four nights in a row-Saturday to Tuesday. There was rehearsal and preparation on Thursday, Friday and Saturday before the first play. I was an angel in the drama on two of the nights, but Mon and Tue I had school til so late so I was not able to be there then. But it was so great cause many people were touched and came to Christ during this time.
It was a step of faith for me to be apart of the drama, cause I had alot of school stuff. I had to study for two tests that I had that Monday, but God is sooo faithful!!! It is amazing how when you put God´s kingdom first how all other things also fall into place! I was amazed when I looked back at the week and saw what all I managed to get done! I even had time for a relaxing movie night in between and to meet up with Friends from Finland for lunch, plus a packed school schedule and studies and drama!!! God is so amazing! :-) :-) :-) So here are some pics from the drama etc.
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